About Me =)


Do you remember what activities made you most happy as a child? Those activities that made you beg “please, mommy, just 10 more minutes!”. All my happy activities involved logic puzzles of some kind. How do I have to put the Lego bricks together to make my tower as sturdy as possible to withstand my little sister’s onslaughts? How many pieces of toilet paper can a roll have, if I want to fold it in the middle over and over again and end up with a stack that has the same base area as a single toilet paper piece? I used to spend whole weekends solving tangrams and logic grid puzzles, and I loved it.

They always tell you to “do what you love” if you want to lead a full and happy adult life. And it took me quite some time to discover that as an adult I still love the same things that made me so happy as a child.


I write code that makes hardware do what I want. I dream up software architectures that are sturdy and easy at the same time. I search for solutions to tricky technical challenges. In other words: I solve logic puzzles for a living. And I love it!

Over my carreer as a professional software developer, I have enjoyed collaborating with wonderful people from different backgrounds and cultures. And I have worked with a variety of programming languages, backend technologies and DevOps tools.

I have real work experience with...
Languages: Python, C, C++, C#, JavaScript, Bash, Assembler;
Backend Frameworks: Flask, ASP.NET Core;
Databases: PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, AWS RDS, Redis;
ETL: AWS Batch, StepFunctions, Glue;
Cloud Computing: AWS EC2, Lightsail, Fargate;
Serverless: AWS Lambda, Fargate, Serverless Framework;
Testing: Robot Framework, unittest, pytest, GitLab CI;
DevOps: Docker, Docker Compose, AWS CloudFormation, ECR, PyPI packaging.

Before my life as a developer I worked 3 years as a Technical Sales Engineer. During this time, I proved my talent for self-organization and my natural ability to effectively communicate with a host of different stakeholders including customers, colleagues and subcontractors. I gained a deep understanding of business processes and requirements engineering, and learned to successfully handle multiple projects simultaneously, often under time pressure.

I see coding not as a job but as a wonderful part of my life and I enjoy working with people who share my enthusiasm. If you have an exciting web development project in need of another contributor or if you want to exchange stories and knowledge, please feel free to contact me. If you are curious about my work, you can check out a few of my projects below, or download my CV for a short summary of my experiences and achievements.

Some Of My Projects

Mica Container Updater

A full stack web application to update Docker containers running on an IoT device

C#, ASP.NET Core, Angular, Python, Flask

More info

MRT Incubator

Embedded controller for a specialized MR diagnostics incubator for the transport and MR examination of infants

C, Assembler, ARM, STM32Cube

More info

Data Terminal

High-speed data terminal sporting a custom embedded Linux distribution, reaching speeds 5x higher than commercially available solutions

Python, Flask, RESTful, SocketIO, SQLite, Embedded Linux

Portfolio Site

This responsive website built from scratch

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap

deployed with

AWS Amplify

See code


A little car-like robot controlled by a Raspberry Pi and manually via web API

Python, Flask, RPi.GPIO, Shell

See code

Contact me!